Tuesday 26 April 2011

First crops, tree fella's, and DIY

Today, we ate the first lettuce from our garden, this is all new to me, what a delight to pick vegetables and then eat them.I've also made a rhubarb crumble for dinner, our rhubarb plants were given to us by our Stake pres.and by one of my nephews, thank you.We also have strawberries.

We have 'taken down' thin,tall pine trees in the past,but yesterday was different, we have (had ) the very large limb of a tree in the front of the house which was keeping the morning sun from our lounge window, so it had to go.  After some thought and planning we did it, John loves using his chainsaw and with me holding on a rope to help the tree fall in the right direction,which was right across the lane (fortunately only about 6 cars  a day use it), John cut a wedge in the trunk...we've watched axe men so we know it all!!! Then a cut above that and hey presto it slowly toppled, unfortunately we don't have a photo of the moment as you can imagine our hands were full.
I couldn't help thinking that I'd have been worried to death if I'd heard my children were attempting this,so sshhh, don't tell my mum.  
I decided to try some DIY, I wanted a small deck in the woods, it's peaceful and quiet down there and sheltered from the sun, these are the materials I started with (all recycled) and ....after a few hours, some sweat but no tears and with some help from John, this is the result .
I've also pickled some eggs,I've just put cold, shelled, hard boiled eggs into vinegar,is that the right method??
Hope you are all well, enjoying this wonderful weather.We are having a street party (in our garden.) for the wedding, we've invited the other 6 brits from our branch and our farmer and his family.I just need to find some red,blue and white bunting! Au revoir

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